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Greater Minnesota is facing a child care crisis.

Between 2002 and 2022, Minnesota lost 47% of its family child care capacity and Greater Minnesota lost more than 20,000 child care slots. More than 40,000 additional child care slots are needed in Greater Minnesota.

The Greater Minnesota Partnership supports investments that will stabilize the child care marketplace, expand access to child care for workers and families, keep providers in the industry, and support new providers.

2025 GMNP Child Care Legislative Priorities available this fall

Key child care accomplishments for Greater Minnesota:

$13 million for Economic Development Child Care Grants.

These grants, awarded by the Department of Employment and Economic Development, support a wide variety of projects that work to reduce the child care shortage in our communities. At least half of these funds will support projects in Greater Minnesota.

$7 million for the six Initiative Foundations to support their child care efforts.

The six Foundations serve all 80 counties in Greater Minnesota, and support their individual regions in building economic prosperity by providing grants, business loans, and programming.

An increase to the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP) reimbursement rate from 35% to 75%.

Providers will now be reimbursed more than double the previous rate for CCAP-eligible families. This increase will have a significant impact on the ability of child care providers to build sustainable and financially stable businesses.

The creation of the state Office of Child Care Community Partnerships.

An initiative of Governor Walz, this new office will serve as a conduit between community leaders - local governments, businesses, and nonprofits - who are looking to support the expansion of their local childcare capacity.